We are a human-focused company dedicated to the holistic well-being of your mind, body, and spirit. Our foundation is built on the principles of positivity and inner goodness, striving to enhance your overall wellness from within.
At Radi8 Health, we believe in empowering individuals to fully express themselves through a comprehensive, holistic approach. By fostering high levels of emotional intelligence (EQ) and intellectual quotient (IQ), we help bridge the gap between mental and physical well-being.

We achieve this by partnering with a diverse range of experts, including nutritionists, fitness trainers, mental health professionals, and wellness coaches. Together, we offer a variety of programs, products, and services designed to support your unique health journey. From personalized nutrition plans and fitness routines to mindfulness practices and stress management techniques, our holistic solutions are tailored to help you achieve optimal health.

This unique synergy allows Radi8 Health to stand out as a source of exceptional health and wellness. Our commitment to human potential and growth sets us apart. We are more than just a provider of natural products and services; we are your gateway to transforming your life. By embracing a more holistic, aware, and strong lifestyle, you can truly elevate your wellness with Radi8 Health.


We envision a world where everyone has the tools and support to lead a vibrant, healthy life. We are committed to creating high-quality wellness products and services that enhance overall well-being. By combining cutting-edge science with natural ingredients and expert guidance, we empower individuals to achieve optimal health in mind, body, and spirit. Radi8 Health is dedicated to being a trusted partner on your wellness journey, helping you radiate health from within.


Our mission is to inspire and support your wellness journey through human-centered programs, premium products, and resources crafted to help you thrive. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your energy levels, cultivate stress resilience, improve fitness, experience transformative life changes, or simply adopt a healthier lifestyle, Radi8 Health is dedicated to guiding and connecting you every step of the way.

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James Frank    / CEO

Honors and awards

Best Product 2020
Top 3
Wellness Awards
Best New Product
Top 5
Innovative Awards