Daniel Sadural

Physical Therapy, Health Coach and Certified Personal Trainer

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With a passion for improving health and well-being, Daniel Sadural is a dynamic and dedicated Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT), and Health Coach with years of remote experience. He has honed his expertise in delivering exceptional patient care and personalized health coaching through telecommunication platforms, ensuring that his clients receive the highest quality of care, no matter where they are located.

Daniel is skilled at creating individualized care plans that integrate physical therapy and fitness coaching, allowing clients to achieve their goals in a way that is both sustainable and effective. His expertise lies in leveraging technology to enhance client engagement, manage remote consultations, and track progress for optimal results.

Fluent in both English and Spanish, Daniel’s ability to connect with a diverse range of clients allows him to support their needs effectively, whether it’s guiding them through physical therapy exercises, coaching them through fitness routines, or offering holistic health guidance. His dedication to patient education, advocacy, and personalized care ensures that each client has the tools and support they need to succeed.

    My Practice at a Glance

    West Lafayette, IN
    Holistic Health Coaching $40 - $80
    Individual one-on-one


    Care Coordination
    Administrative Management
    Community Outreach
    Patient Education & Advocacy

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